
Our Tesla powerwall winners: One year on

Father and daughter looking at fish tank

A year ago, EnergyAustralia ran a competition to win a Tesla Powerwall. Out of the hundreds of entries we had, we had to choose four winning families. A year on, these families have discovered what winning the competition really meant, as the Tesla Powerwall has impacted not just their energy bills, but also aspects of their lives they never expected.

All families have seen significant savings in energy costs.

“Just the benefits that we've seen in the last few months with the working system, with battery storage and solar has been amazing,” says Brad Tarrant.

“Our winter billing period this time compared to last year – we've probably seen a 50% reduction,” adds his wife, Amanda. “But in saying that, it wasn't a full cycle of the bill either.”

The families have also become aware of their energy consumption, and their approach to it has changed drastically. The system is designed to make users aware of what uses a lot of power, and what is energy efficient, and this is impacting the choices they make.

“You're more conscious of what you do and what you don't do,” says Sean Richards. “It sort of becomes a game, trying to have a cheaper and cheaper bill, always asking yourself, ‘How can I get the bill down?’”

Sean’s partner, Naomi, has found the app that comes with the Powerwall invaluable.

“Instead of getting a power bill every three months, and having a bit of a bill shock, you can gauge how you're going. And when we look at the app we can say that we're using about half of the power than we were before.”

Naomi has also found that the Powerwall is a great thing to have in the house and teach their children about – but they’re not the only ones who are interested.

“We've actually had people in the street come up and ask about the system, and they’re interested in looking at it for their own place,” says Amanda.

Perhaps it’s not so surprising. As Anthony Dobinson says, “Without a doubt, this is the future of energy.”

Want to hear their full stories? View them here:

The Richards family

The Dobinson family

The Tarrant family

If you think solar power and battery storage could help you manage your family’s energy bills, contact EnergyAustralia to find the option that works best for you.