Find out more about your energy contract with us

Information about our rates - Energy fact sheets

To find out more about the price and other information about your energy product, please see our Basic Plan Information Documents. In Victoria these are called Energy Fact Sheets. 

Rate changes

You can find out more about rate changes in Victoria and New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Queensland.

Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions contain important information about your rights and obligations as an EnergyAustralia customer. They are made up of:

  • terms and conditions
  • your energy plan details (formerly the product schedule) incorporating the written disclosure statement for customers on a market contract
  • green options (if applicable)

Market contract

If your energy plan includes discounts, bill credits, or other benefits, this Market contract applies to you.

Our Market Retail Contract terms and conditions will change from 29 August 2024

Our updated Market Retail Contract terms and conditions will take effect from 29 August 2024. If you’re currently on our Market Retail Contract, these terms and conditions will be replaced on 29 August 2024 by our updated Market Retail Contract terms and conditions. 

Please note you don’t need to do anything. We’re just letting you know about the changes to these terms and conditions – we’ll always let you know in advance about any changes to your plan or contract.

Summary of key changes

  • We’ve updated the circumstances in which we may end our contract with you. In addition to our and your existing rights to end the contract, we may now end your contract with us by giving you at least 20 business days’ notice, provided that any Benefit Period has ended and there are no other restrictions set out in your Energy Plan Details. The Energy Plan Details are in the welcome pack we sent you when you first signed up to your current plan.
  • We’ve clarified that if you’re an embedded network customer of ours that when we don't incur network charges associated with supplying electricity to your premises, we won't pass on these costs to you. In this scenario, if these charges appear on your bill, they’ll be credited back to you to cancel out the cost of these charges.
  • We’ve clarified that your tariffs with us may contain certain variable features that are set out in your Energy Plan Details as notified to you. If you have a controlled load tariff, there are certain operating windows in which your controlled load devices are powered and these are variable. A controlled load is the electricity used by a stand-alone item that is separately metered, such as your hot water system or pool pump. We or your distributor may vary these operating windows with you from time to time. Your distributor is the company responsible for the poles, wires and pipes in your network area.

Our terms and conditions contain a range of rights and obligations you have when we supply energy to you. Please read the full, updated Market Retail Contract terms and conditions.

Standard contract

If you're currently receiving your electricity bills from EnergyAustralia and you have not signed up to a market contract, this Standard contract applies to you. 

For new connections, this contract applies if EnergyAustralia is the local retailer for your area and you have not signed up to a market contract.

Find our standing offer rates for your area and choose Basic Home or Basic Business when you select a plan.

Victorian Standing Offer customers and Unmetered Supply customers in Victoria (AusNet) and New South Wales (Ausgrid)

You can view our current electricity standing offer tariffs and gas standing offer tariffs for each distribution area and UMS tariffs for AusNet and Ausgrid distribution areas.

Find out more about our fees and charges in your state.

Large business

EnergyAustralia Solar Feed-In Terms and Conditions

If EnergyAustralia is buying electricity from you and you are receiving a Feed-In Tariff, you will have entered into a Feed-In contract with EnergyAustralia. A Feed-In Tariff is a credit that we pay you for any unused electricity that your solar power system sends back to the power grid. It is usually paid as a credit on our electricity bills.

The Terms and Conditions of your Feed-In contract are available below. Different Terms and Conditions apply depending on the type of Feed-in Tariff that applies to you. 

Bulk Hot Water Terms and Conditions

View Terms & Conditions for Bulk Hot Water.

Customer charters (prior to 1 July 2012)

Under Victorian regulation, we are required to provide a copy of our Customer charter as soon as we arrange to connect electricity or gas to your premises. If you would like a copy of Customer charters applicable before 30 June 2012, contact us.

Billing information about greenhouse gas emissions from energy usage

We encourage our customers to learn more about how energy usage impacts greenhouse gas emissions, and are required by Victorian regulation to include information about greenhouse gas emissions on bills for certain customers, in accordance with the Essential Services Commission Guideline 13.

PowerResponse Terms and Conditions