EnergyAustralia fact sheet
Our purpose is to lead and accelerate the clean energy transformation for all. This fact sheet sets out who we are and what we stand for.

Energy efficiency fact sheet
This fact sheet describes some of the ways we can better manage the electricity and gas we consume.

Hardship fact sheet
EnergyAustralia has a range of ways to assist customers who may be struggling with their energy bills.

Summer Readiness
Learn more about how EnergyAustralia helps maintain grid stability during summer, and beyond.

Wooreen Energy Storage System
EnergyAustralia has committed to building Australia’s first four-hour utility-scale battery of 350 MW capacity - larger than any battery operating in the world today.

Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
EnergyAustralia is investigating developing a pumped hydro facility on land it owns near Lithgow in NSW.