Gouldian Finch. Image credit: Australian Wildlife Conservancy.

Gouldian Finch. Image credit: Australian Wildlife Conservancy.

You’re helping us support the Australian Wildlife Conservancy’s (AWC’s) carbon reduction program in parts of our ecologically diverse Top End. Carbon emissions from wildfires are reduced through strategic fire management in Piccaninny Plains in the Cape York Peninsula and Wongalara Wildlife Sanctuary in Arnhem Land. Planned burning and fire suppression break up the landscape into fuel loads of differing ages. When wildfires ignite, reduced fuel loads mean fires go out or are more easily extinguished when they reach an area already burnt during prescribed operations. This helps the landscape retain patches of old growth vegetation – vital for animals’ food and shelter, such as the Gouldian Finch, Palm Cockatoo and Northern Brown Bandicoot. Read the full blog