Carbon neutral for your home energy - your electricity or gas, or both - have a positive impact on the environment'

Go Neutral is no longer available to new customers signing up with us or existing customers who are not already opted in to the product. For customers already opted in to Go Neutral, your arrangement remains unchanged.

We know one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions is from burning fossil fuels for energy. These carbon emissions increase the effects of climate change.

When you opt in to our carbon neutral product, Go Neutral, we calculate the emissions associated with your household energy use – your electricity or gas, or both - and purchase corresponding carbon offsets to cancel out the emissions, making your home energy use carbon neutral.

And it’s all at no extra cost to you.

 How Go Neutral works

1. Carbon emissions are created from your household electricity and gas use

2. We offset emissions through carbon offset units from climate action projects at no cost to you

3. The result? Carbon neutral energy, positive environmental and community benefits


Our carbon offsets come from accredited climate action projects in Australia and around the world. Many of these projects provide economic, social and environmental benefits to communities, in addition to offsetting carbon emissions.

You'll feel good about it

Carbon Neutral - Be part of something big

Be part of something big

More than 400,000 EnergyAustralia customers are making a real difference to the environment with Go Neutral.

It’s now one of Australia’s largest carbon emissions offset programs and has offset 4.1 million tonnes of carbon emissions since 2016. 

That’s the equivalent of taking around 1,281,250 cars off the road for a year.*

*Using a factor of 3.2 tonnes/passenger car/year. Based on 2016 passenger vehicle numbers (Australian Bureau of Statistics Motor Vehicle Census) and 2016 greenhouse gas emissions for cars (National Greenhouse Gas Inventory’s AEGIS database).

Contribute to real projects

Contribute to real projects with real impacts

We buy carbon offset units from climate action projects that not only offset your emissions but also bring about positive economic and social benefits. For example, the large scale lighting swap out scheme in India replaces old incandescent light globes with highly efficient ones that consume less energy, helping low income families. 

These offset units are eligible according to the Australian Government’s Climate Active program, one of the most rigorous and credible carbon neutral certifications available in Australia.

Examples of climate action projects include:

  • Grid-connected renewable energy projects at wind farms across India.
  • Stopping greenhouse gases escaping through landfill waste management in Brazil.
  • Savanna fire management in Australia to prevent large bushfires that generate emissions.
  • Removing carbon dioxide from the air through forest regrowth in Australia.
Climate Active memeber

EnergyAustralia is part of the Climate Active Network

The Climate Active Network is an Australian network of climate leaders and companies. The goal of the Climate Active Network is to take collective action on climate change and protect Australia’s environment. Look for the Climate Active logo on all our Go Neutral communications. Climate Active certification for products like Go Neutral makes it easier for consumers to make a conscious decision to identify and choose certified products that are making a difference. 


Go Neutral Product is certified under the Australian Government’s Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard (formerly the National Carbon Offset Standard).
Our Public Disclosure Statement shows how we calculate your energy's carbon neutrality in full detail.