If you’d like to save money on energy costs, but aren’t sure whether you’d benefit from solar, you’re not alone. We shed some light on the situation by cracking some popular solar myths.
1. You need a lot of sun for solar panels to work
While many people believe that solar panels won’t work in cool or cloudy conditions, this is a myth. Solar panels do work on overcast or foggy days – just less efficiently. Germany, for example, endures many cloudy days* yet is the world’s leading residential solar energy producer. How’s that for a silver lining?
2. Solar panels are ugly
While solar systems of the past may have been bulky and unattractive, solar panel design has come a long way over the years. Thanks to upgrades such as thin and non-reflective solar roofing shingles, new-gen solar systems are looking good – black, sleek and discreet designs that integrate easily with any roof to create a beautiful modern home.
3. A solar system is expensive
Solar panels aren’t just for the wealthy. On the contrary, advances in production are making solar power costs lower than ever – which means great energy savings for the average homeowner. In many cases you can buy a solar energy system for your home with little money down, allowing you to reap the benefits of solar energy while the system pays for itself over time.
4. Solar panels require a lot of maintenance
Solar panels don’t contain moving parts, which means you don't need to do anything special to keep them running. While the general recommendation is to clean your panels once a year, even that’s no longer a hard and fast rule. Today’s high-performance solar panels can provide high output even when dirty.
5. It's best to wait for solar power technology to improve
Unlike computers and mobile devices, basic solar energy technology has remained relatively stable over the years. Given solar energy’s technological stability and affordability, you could be forfeiting energy savings by waiting too long. And remember, the solar power technology you invest in today will continue to work for decades, meaning you won’t have to upgrade every few years.
If you’re ready to enjoy the benefits of solar energy in your home, contact EnergyAustralia to get a quote and organise a fast and hassle-free installation.
* Berlin gets 1,625 hours of sunshine a year, compared to Perth, say, which receives 3,200.