Think sustainable design can't make a fashion statement? Think again. We shed light on three of the more fascinating and ingenious sustainable designs to turn every head.
Sustainable design principles can optimize your space, reduce the use of non-renewable energy consumption, utilize eco-friendly materials, safeguard and conserve water, enhance outdoor and indoor environmental quality and optimize operational and maintenance practices.
1. Rooftop Bowls – The future of water
As the need for water grows ever desperate, BMDesign has created roofs with huge, bowl-shaped vessels that collect rainwater in dry and arid climates.
The gorgeous double-layered roof energy and environmental design can collect up to 28 cubic meters of rain to offset water consumption and has the capacity to cool buildings, reducing the need for air conditioning and thus enhancing indoor environmental quality.
Not only are they aesthetically beautiful and financially smart, BMDesign believes this architecture will combat global warming through sustainable water sourcing.
2. Vertical Field Skygardens – Getting back to earth
Lack of space ordinarily hinders the option to grow one’s own food and plants, particularly as cities expand and populations multiply.
The Vertical Field Company is changing that with “living walls” – gardens that, with the help of smart technology and design, grow vertically in a variety of spaces and styles.
This innovative and very appealing alternative decreases noise levels that penetrate most buildings and is simple to connect and change.
The skygarden is a cost-effective way of life; not only will it reduce fresh produce expenses and enhance your view, but most styles also have either an inbuilt irrigation system or the ability to use water economically. It's a holistic and integrated approach to create healthy and productive environments, and minimize waste.
3. Vortex: Bladeless Wind Generator – The air is fair
Talking about wind generation may sound like white noise. Yet, crucial to the supply of the world’s electricity, the emerging advances for energy efficiency are very attractive indeed.
With the recent design of a bladeless wind generator, you might find yourself wondering how much benefit can be derived from removing a few blades.
In short, bladeless alternatives use fewer materials, particularly in the long term, so they’re more sustainable while also being easier on the eye.
They’re also lighter, require less funding, less maintenance and aren’t reliant on hundreds of litres of oil – so there’s plenty to turn your head, after all.
It's examples of human ingenuity for environmentally sustainable development like this that are inspiring us at EnergyAustralia to Light The Way.