Local residents interested in finding out more about the Waterloo wind farm and the proposed Stony Gap wind farm will have the opportunity to meet the projects’ operators, TRUenergy, at an Information Day next Wednesday.
The Community Information Day, the first organised by TRUenergy since it took over both projects in July, will be held at the Burra Town Hall from 12 noon.
Senior Manager of Renewables at TRUenergy, Cameron Garnsworthy, said he would be there and was looking forward to hearing what people from across the Mid North region had to say about wind energy in the region.
"I'm hoping we get quite a few interested people dropping by to view our plans, ask us questions and learn more about how TRUenergy is approaching the development of clean energy," he said.
"Locals that drop in to our Information Day will also have a chance to put their names down for our Community Liaison Group, which we plan to start up later in November," he said.
"The Community Liaison Group has been a really successful forum run at our other facilities, and gives people with a strong interest or connection to our projects an opportunity to engage with us more frequently.
"More information on the Liaison Group as well as nomination forms will be available at our Information Day," he said.
The TRUenergy Wind Farm Community Information Day is on at the Burra Town Hall, Wednesday 26 October between 12 noon -4pm and 5pm-8pm. Mid North residents are invited to drop in at any time.
TRUenergy is one of Australia's largest energy companies. It is committed to developing cleaner sources of energy, like wind, to help meet the energy needs of its 2.7 million customers Australia wide.