Key Points
- EnergyAustralia supports increasing gas storages through an LNG floating import terminal at Port Kembla NSW that would improve energy security and make more fuel available to homes and businesses in the southern states.
- EnergyAustralia recognises that people face tough situations at different times in their lives. Customers experiencing financial difficulty are encouraged to reach out (small businesses dial 1800 146 749, residential customers dial 133 466).
Statement attributed to Mark Collette, Managing Director at EnergyAustralia:
“Gas will continue to serve an important role in the transition to a net zero energy system. Importantly, it’s our customers who stand to benefit from greater fuel supplies, particularly in the eastern states of Australia.
“We welcome an LNG import terminal, such as the Port Kembla project, which could improve energy security and help avoid future winter supply shortfalls. The Hoegh Galleon floating terminal could also play a critical role in increasing gas storage in NSW.
“The “Höegh Galeon” has cargo capacity of 170,000 cubic metres and regasification capacity of 1 billion standard cubic feet per day. It will specifically serve to receive, store and regasify LNG at the terminal after operations begin.
“The vessel is expected to have the capability of delivering both natural gas and green hydrogen, unlocking further opportunities for the Terminal to support a future hydrogen energy industry in Australia.
“On current supply our Jeeralang, Tallawarra and Newport gas assets remain available.
“Separately, we have both generating units online at Mt Piper power station in New South Wales. Mt Piper continues to be there when it’s needed most, despite lower coal production and deliveries than planned from its primary supplier at Springvale mine
“At Yallourn power station in Victoria, three generating units are online (of four in total). One generating unit will return to service at the end of the week, while another is coming offline this evening due to a maintenance issue.
“The operations and maintenance team at Yallourn have done a great job of keeping three generating units online to support households with their energy use.
“Hallett power station will be offline for the remainder of the week due to works being undertaken by ElectraNet, South Australia’s transmission network provider.
“EnergyAustralia’s gas assets have been running seven times the volume compared with the same period last year, playing an important role of keeping the lights on for customers.
“We continue to consult with the Australian Energy Market Operator on the availability of our generating assets across Australia.”
EnergyAustralia’s EnergyAssist program means the power won’t be disconnected and debt collection activities won’t be initiated. Residential customers on the program also have access to tailored payment plans, energy audits, information on grant programs and advice on energy usage.
Through Rapid Business Assist, specialist advisors can discuss ways for EnergyAustralia’s small and medium-sized business customers to lower energy consumption, the government energy relief subsidies available, and options for tailored payment schedules.
Image: Maintaining the oil system on a mill that grinds coal to burn in our boilers, which then creates electricity at Mt Piper power station in NSW.