
While New South Wales electricity price rises have moderated, supporting new gas projects in NSW is critical to ensuring customers do not pay more for gas than they should, EnergyAustralia Group Executive Manager Retail Adrian Merrick said today.

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released its draft determination, detailing that on average NSW electricity prices will increase by 3 per cent and gas prices by 8.6 per cent for 2013/14.
“In our submission to IPART, we said that efforts by the NSW Government to strengthen network regulation should mean that the period of double-digit electricity price rises are behind us. Today’s draft determination reflects this,” Mr Merrick said.
“Our customers tell us they want more control and more choices to manage their energy use. Today’s IPART draft determination seeks to balance the rising cost of getting electricity to customers, with acknowledging the pressures on household budgets.”
Mr Merrick said that addressing NSW’s looming gas supply issue was critical to ensuring NSW gas customers did not face continued higher price rises than Queensland and Victorian customers.
EnergyAustralia is the third largest energy retailer in Australia, with 2.8 million customers. A vertically integrated business, EnergyAustralia is also the largest privately held supplier of generation output to the National Electricity Market.