
EnergyAustralia is warning householders of a new telephone scam.
Residents have reported receiving calls from hoax telephone sales staff offering to refund a bond for a past EnergyAustralia account.
The hoax callers then request householders to log on to a non-official EnergyAustralia site and provide their bank details for receipt of the bond payment.
EnergyAustralia is warning residents that receive suspicious calls not to provide credit card details either over the phone or via this website.
Instead, they are encouraged to report the scam activity to our customer service centre 133 466; the ACCC Infocentre on 1300 302 502 or a state or territory fair trading authority.
EnergyAustralia does not collect bond payments for energy accounts.
EnergyAustralia takes scam activity seriously and has reported this latest hoax to the relevant authorities to investigate.