
On 1 March 2011, TRUenergy acquired the EnergyAustralia retail customer base. The NSW Government's sale did not sell the electricity network assets (poles, wires and substations). These will remain government owned and the electricity network business formerly known as EnergyAustralia has been renamed Ausgrid.

Rest assured that, if you are an EnergyAustralia customer, you do not need to do anything. You will continue to receive your current contract supply arrangements, including any discounts or benefits. Should you have any questions or account enquiries you should continue to call us on 13 15 35.

Should you have any blackouts or faults please contact Ausgrid on 13 13 88 (24 hours).

Answers to some customer questions are also available.

Important information

View the

 that was published in major and regional area newspapers that provides details of the sale of the retail division of EnergyAustralia to TRUenergy.

Customer should note that for bills Issued as at 28 February 2011 with TRUenergy ABN that the ATO has approved that any tax invoice dated 28 February 2011 is a valid tax invoice for GST purposes.