
October 20, 2023

EnergyAustralia and Elanora Offshore today announced a program to support Yallourn power station workers to retrain for work in the proposed offshore wind project and secure future employment.

The Job Upskilling and Matching Program (JUMP) matches interested Yallourn workers to roles in the Elanora Offshore wind project off the Gippsland coast and provide the necessary training to upskill them for a successful future career in offshore wind should the project be successful in securing a feasibility licence.

EnergyAustralia-Elanora Offshore JUMP – Key Features

  •  Should Elanora Offshore be successful in obtaining a Feasibility Licence, Yallourn workers will be provided with information sessions on the project, future roles in offshore wind and training opportunities.

  •  Individual sessions with offshore wind specialists will be available to guide workers on roles that may best suit an individual’s skills and interest.

  •  Interested Yallourn workers with compatible profiles will be provided an interview for roles at Elanora Offshore as they become available or in advance of completing their training.

  •  Applicants successful through the interview phase will be offered a job where they have met all the prerequisite requirements.

  •  Elanora Offshore will also make available work placement opportunities.

  •  The cost of employees training will be funded through EnergyAustralia’s $10 million Yallourn Transition Program focussed on upskilling Yallourn workers prior to Yallourn’s closure in mid-2028.

  •  Initial roles in the project planning phase of Elanora Offshore would be expected to be available from 2025, with roles to be released in construction and operations from 2027.

EnergyAustralia and Elanora Offshore will ensure the release of workers from Yallourn does not impact the operations of the Yallourn power station before its closure in mid-2028.

Managing Director Mark Collette says “EnergyAustralia is committed to a just transition for all and using our participation in the Elanora Offshore consortium to create JUMP is an innovative example of how we can bring this to life for our Yallourn workforce.

“The transition to cleaner energy is not just about switching energy technologies, it is about people – helping people realise new careers in the net zero economy.

“EnergyAustralia is committed to becoming net zero by 2050 and investing in clean and renewable energy technologies and we are proud to partner with Elanora Offshore as part of Australia’s future energy mix.”

Elanora Offshore’s Chief Executive Officer Maya Malik says “Gippsland has a perfect combination of physical conditions and a skilled workforce ready to support the implementation of offshore wind.  There is a long tradition of power generation in the region, and skilled people eager to transition to jobs of the future.

“Elanora Offshore is proud to be working with EnergyAustralia to support the transition of workers and the broader community into renewable energy. We know what takes to deliver offshore wind projects of this scale, while ensuring local communities’ benefit.”

The Elanora Offshore windfarm is a 5GW project off the coast of Gippsland with the potential to supply up to 40% of Victoria’s energy needs once fully operational. The project expects to create 3000 direct jobs in construction and 320 direct jobs during operation.

The Elanora Offshore consortium has been purpose-built to address the most challenging aspects of offshore wind delivery in the new Australian market and has funding commitments in place from leading global investors. The consortium brings together financial strength, offshore wind expertise, local knowhow, supply chain access & offtake solutions.

Last year EnergyAustralia launched its $10 million Yallourn Transition Program, providing tailored support to help the workforce plan, prepare and re-skill for the future beyond Yallourn. This includes personalised career plans, support for all reasonable training identified by the employee, individual career coaching, financial advice and planning, small business seed funding, links to employment opportunities and redeployment assistance.

For media enquiries:


Jacinta Smith 0430 7555 37.


Elanora Offshore

Kimberley Gardiner 0437 435 777
