Variable rate plan with no lock-in contracts.

Benefits of Balance Plan

Balance Plan is a flexible plan for your home energy needs that includes variable energy rates.


  • Energy rates are variable (other fees and charges may vary)
  • No lock in contract and no exit fees
  • Manage your energy accounts online with My Account

Balance plan and your energy bill

Electricity and gas bills are made up of usage rates, daily supply charges and demand charges (if applicable). With Balance Plan, these charges are variable for 12 months. The market contract energy charges may change in or around January or July. Please keep this in mind when choosing a variable rate plan. You may also receive a guaranteed discount off these charges every time you pay during the 12 month benefit period. Any other fees and charges (incl. solar feed-in tariffs and GreenPower) may also vary. If you’re a solar customer, you’re eligible for the applicable solar feed-in tariff rates. There are no exit fees with our Balance Plan.

More information

Balance Plan is available to eligible residential customers in ACT, NSW, Queensland (electricity only), SA, and Victoria. Please refer to our Basic Plan Information Documents (BPID) or Energy Fact Sheets for more details. For more information, go to our frequently asked questions.