Mt Piper Power Station requires fresh water to generate electricity. Over the years fresh water reservoirs have been constructed to improve the drought resistance of the station and to better manage the distribution of water.

Water from the Coxs River is stored in Lake Lyell and Thompsons Creek Reservoir and extracted for use in power generation. Coxs River water is extracted, stored and released in compliance with the EnergyAustralia NSW Water Access License (WAL) and Water Supply Works and Water Use Approval (Approval).

Water is also sourced from the Fish River Water Scheme. EnergyAustralia is a member of the Fish River customer council and actively participates in the appropriate allocation of water from the Fish River Scheme. We understand that there is a need to share the available water across the region including the town supplies for the Upper Blue Mountains, Oberon, Lithgow and the outlying villages of Portland, Wallerawang and Glen Davis.

EnergyAustralia NSW is actively developing conservation, efficiency, reclamation and reuse alternatives to improve environmental outcomes and water resource management which will further ease pressure on this vital resource.

Details of storage releases and water transfers planned for the next 24 hours can be obtained by contacting Mt Piper switch on (02) 6354 8111.