​Throughout the year Commercial and Industrial host a number of face-to-face and live webinar events for our customers, brokers and consultants. These events may focus on a relevant theme or topic or may be a more general market update. Where possible we record these events, so they are available to a wider audience to watch when convenient.


Commercial and Industrial year end wrap-up webinar event
6 December 2023

In early December we hosted an insightful year-end webinar focusing on the Commercial and Industrial sectors.

Vaughan Furniss, Head of Commercial and Industrial at EnergyAustralia, led a panel of experts from across the organisation in an engaging live event tailored for our key customers and brokers.

Participants gained valuable insights into EnergyAustralia's long-term strategy and vision as Vaughan set the stage for the webinar. The intricacies of El Niño and its impact on supply-demand balance during the summer period were explored with Simon Liuzzi, Head of Physical Trading.

How we support our customers with demand response programs and Renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) was then discussed with Jacqui Hiller, our Renewables Business Development Manager. The session concluded with updates on our latest grid-scale storage projects from Daniel Nugent, Head of Portfolio Development.

This opportunity allowed participants to stay informed and connected with the latest developments in the Commercial and Industrial energy landscape. We appreciate everyone who joined us for this event.

You can watch the recording of the webinar below


You can also access the presentation via the link here: 2023 year-end wrap up webinar.

Customer and broker event at Sydney Zoo

12 & 13 September 2023

We recently hosted an event at Sydney Zoo in Bungarribee, New South Wales. Our Commercial & Industrial team welcomed customers, brokers, and consultants to a day of learning and insights. The event was located beside the meerkat enclosure and their inquisitive nature was lovely to observe throughout the day. Guests enjoyed insights from our energy trading experts, received government and regulatory updates, and explored the latest in commercial solar. Smart Ease, our partner in funding renewable energy projects, also shared their vision. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this day of learning and collaboration.

Watch our highlight video of the

Watch the presentations and access the PowerPoint slides below:

Electricity wholesale market update 

Access the presentation here: C&I Electricity wholesale market 

Gas wholesale market update

Access the presentation here: C&I Gas wholesale market

Government and Regulatory update

Access the presentation here:  Government and Regulatory

Solar update

Access the presentation here: C&I solar

Smart Ease

Access the presentation here: Smart ease

Q1 2023 wholesale market update 

5 April 2023 

Vaughan Furniss, Head Commercial & Industrial hosted a webinar for our Commercial & Industrial customers. In this session we met some new members of our trading teams, heard about the Q2 planned plant outages and received an update on relevant regulatory matters.


You can also access the presentation via the link here: C&I Q1 2023 wholesale market update

Compensation Charges information session

1 March 2023

Nick Giles, Key Accounts & Key Partners Leader hosted a Q&A session with Vaughan Furniss, Head of Commercial & Industrial. In this session they discussed the recent update from the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on compensation charges and how this will affect EnergyAustralia customers. Watch a copy of the recording below.


Webinar questions and answers

The directions compensation charges information session video recording above runs for approximately 19 minutes. If you prefer to read the questions and answers they have been included in the drop-down sections below.

Contact us

Any further questions please contact your account manager, call us on 1300 362 466 or send an email 

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